The NIL-JON Super M Base may have an unusual appearance, but it is a versatile VHF-UHF antenna
providing very high performance. The receive range is 25 to 1300 MHz. It may be used for transceive
applications at these frequencies: 144-148 and 435-465 MHz. Power capacity is 200 watts and tuning
is not necessary. The unique design is dual polarized to provide a big signal at the horizon and out
of the valley.
View pattern comparison:
The three elements are between 16.5 and 19 inches.
View plot:
CQ Magazine tested the Challenger and established that on 2 meters, for example, its gain was
approximately 6 to 8 dB. On 40 meters compared to a mono band vertical, they found Challenger
an S unit stronger. This is typical of the many reports received from amateurs around the world.
Challenger is designed to be mounted directly in the ground or elevated. A ground mount is
provided with each antenna. With the ground mount in place, the Challenger simply drops in.
If necessary, because of space limitations, but not to improve performance. Challenger may be
roof mounted since it does not require earth loss to obtain a 50 ohm match. Challenger requires
a counter poise of three 25 foot insulated wires. They may be buried or just scattered on the
ground. Symmetrical deployment is not critical. Adding additional wire will not significantly
improve performance. All of these are covered in a 16-page assembly manual provided with each antenna.
Technical specifications :
+ Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 12, 10, 10, 6 and 2 Meters.
+ Bandwidth (<2:1): Entire band on 40, 20, 15, 12, 10, 6 and 2 meters.
> 130 kHz on 80 meters and > 1 MHz on 10 meters.
+ Connector: UHF (SO239)
+ Radiation Efficiency: Exceeds conventional verticals by up to 600%
+ Height: 31.5 feet