Software-defined radio added
Saturday, January 21 2017 @ 21:44
SDRplay and Elad USA SDR receivers added.
Many transceivers added
Sunday, May 3 2015 @ 21:42
Alinco DR-638T/H added.
Many transceivers added
Friday, September 20 2013 @ 19:59
So many Alinco, Kenwood, Yaesu, Icom handhelds added. Few service manuals for Alinco.
Preparing a big surprise for you :-)
Some chinese transceivers added
Sunday, July 19 2013 @ 12:20
Wouxun, Tyt, TdxoneBaofeng and other so many Chinese transceivers get more and more from the "big guys" market. Well... enjoy. At the end of the day, those bricks are not that bad...
New Yaesu and Icom transceivers added
Wednesday, July 10 2013 @ 15:32
Yaesu FTM 400d, Icom IC-7100, ID-51, IC-2300H added.
Up again !
Thursday, February 23 2012 @ 00:45
Our storage server is up again. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Icom IC-7000 manuals
Thursday, June 18 2009 @ 10:20
User and service manual for Icom IC-7000 transceiver.
New hosting !
Monday, February 25 2008 @ 21:57
Startig from today, you may find us also on www.hampedia.net.
New hosting, we hope faster. Try it now!
New transceivers added
Wednesday, December 26 2007 @ 4:20
Icom IC-92AD, Icom IC-7700 transceivers added.
Transceivers added
Wednesday, October 17 2007 @ 2:45
Icom, Yaesu, Alinco, other transceivers added.
Yaesu 2000/2000D
Wednesday, January 10 2007 @ 5:55
Yaesu FT-2000D transceiver added. Yaesu FT-2000 and FT-2000D User manuals, along with other manuals added.
Yaesu FT-2000 MARS/CAP modification published.
New transceivers
Monday, April 9 2007 @ 15:19
Kenwood TM-V71A (TM V71A TMV71A) added.
Yaesu 2000/2000D
Wednesday, January 10 2007 @ 5:55
Yaesu FT-2000D transceiver added. Yaesu FT-2000 and FT-2000D User manuals, along with other manuals added.
Yaesu FT-2000 MARS/CAP modification published.
New BIG pictures added
Saturday, April 1 2006 @ 10:21
We added some neat big pictures for the newest transceivers.
Just click on the small picture and you’ll get something will make you WISH the toy. So, be careful with those :P
Also few antenna rotators with manual added.
New categories
Thursday, January 26 2006 @ 12:50
New categories: antenna rotators, power supplies, power/swr meters.
New Yaesu transceivers
Friday, September 23 2005 @ 20:10
Yaesu FT 2000, VX 120 and VX 170 added. Also the storage server is up again :-) .
New antennas
Sunday, April 24 2005 @ 23:45
The good news is we added many antennas (Cushcraft, Diamond, Hustler, Comet, Quicksilver, Solarcom).
The good news is our downloads server is up;-)
New Icom transceivers
Sunday, February 27 2005 @ 18:40
The good news is that we have added a few Icom transceivers and a few mods...
The bad news is that our downloads server is down.
We are hard working to fix the problem.... so please do not despair, we are here ;-)
New antennas
Friday, January 7 2005 @ 12:45
New antennas added: M2, Par, Gap, Sirio, Araki, Maco, Nil-Jon, Maldol,
Nagoya, Watson, Hy-Gain, Dressler, Cue Dee, Moonraker.
New Icom transceivers and mods
Wednesday, December 22 2004 @ 02:40
Many Icom ham transceivers and mods added.
New Kenwood transceivers and mods
Tuesday, December 7 2004 @ 20:28
New Kenwood transceivers and modifications added... Enjoy ;-)
New scanners/transceivers
Saturday, October 30 2004 @ 14:59
New scanner/other transceivers category. Uniden, Mayah, Roberts equipment.
Tuesday, August 24 2004 @ 16:30
Icom IC-756PROIII transceiver technical specifications added.
Diamond antenna
Wednesday, July 7 2004 @ 14:46
Diamond antennas added.
Yaesu FT-811, FT-815, FT-816, FT-911, FT-2303R, VX-1R added.
Yaesu transceivers added
Thursday, June 10 2004 @ 20:02
Yaesu FT-100D, FT-1000MP/D, FT-817/ND added.
Technical specifications added
Wednesday, June 09 2004 @ 02:02
Technical specifications added to all transceivers!!!
New transceivers
Monday, June 07 2004 @ 22:20
New Alinco DJ-C7, DJ-520J, DJ-530J hand held transceivers specifications published.
Motorola updates
Thursday, June 3 2004 @ 22:10
Motorola Tuner available for download, Waris software, GM 360 Tuner and other Motorola programming software.
Kenwood updates
Monday, May 31 2004 @ 00:20
Published Kenwood TH F6/F7 Service menu description.
Motorola updates
Sunday, May 23 2004 @ 11:29
Published Motorola GP320, GP340, GP360, GP380, GM340, GM380 software.
Kenwood updates
Wednesday, May 5 2004 @ 10:15
TH F6/F7 modifications updates: Reed service menu switch installation.