Remove the 4 screws ataching the bottom cover and remove the cover. (I had to use a small screwdriver to pry on the cover. It's made to fit tight) with face toward you and belly up look to far right of board and close to you.
Locate a row of SMT diodes 3 on top then a shift to right and a few more. The three are in a PERFECT row top to bottom! count from the top of the row 1 2 3.
Remove the # 2 & 3 diodes. Now continue looking down from there and you will see a resistor sticking up in the air (W14). Clip the lead off of the resistor. Reassemble the radio and preform a CPU reset by holding the Set and S.MW buttons while turning the radio on...(page 69 of manual).
You now will have :
118-135 RX (stock)
136-174 TX & RX
320-399 RX (hmmm whats there? I've heard a local radio station DJ
at a remote location talking to the station)
400-479 TX & RX
849-950 RX
The Transmitter will work and transmit at ALL of the listed TX freqs. and the
power seems to be fairly broad banded and can handle it.
