If you think to change your new little rig into a UFO read following info. Read everything and wait.
"Notice : We can not guarantee specification when expand frequency"
To find every detail you shoud have the service manual. At this moment I have to deal with some bad copy's. I think they went for 21 times into a Xeroxcopy.
By cutting diode D59 only, "nyea what's up doc?" does not work.
So here are the results (read the above notice) to leave your UFO on the table.
** Cut the D59 diode on main Unit. (TOP SIDE of P.C. Board) ** Where do you find this little thing?
If you can locate the Filter option place you will see in the middle of the P.C. board 5 little things on one line and this is what you're looking for. But whait.
Maybe this can help you.

** If you have a USA-version you need additional modification. **
** Cut D60 and jumpre wire W4. **
Next lets find Q38 or R353 on MAIN UNIT (top side of P.C. Board)
You can find this when you are already in the rig, you have a large metal cover (like a box, probably there is a lot of money inside HI)
¦ ¦
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¦ * . . ¦ *=Q38
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**Then you have to cut the P.C. board at a certain point on the bottom side.**
It is not so far away from H2, H6 and IC 32
**And then you have to add a jumper wire from pin 11 of IC32 and a certain
point on the bottom of the main unit......
So only cutting D59 this is a joke. I can even say a BIG joke.
To explain you the total modification you need a service manual.
In a few day's (around 100 HI) I'm able to put the schematics on packet.
I will try and hopefully you can do something with it.
So don't jump around in your nice equiped shack, do not make a UFO out of
your new 706 just wait and I can see what I can do.