Some times ya just gotta wonder why they don't do this at the factory. Works for all 706's, 718 and many other ICOM rigs. Here ya go, the manual Tune controller that:
Automaticly switches your rig to CW mode
Automaticly turns power down to 10 watts
Automaticly transmits CW CXR while tuning
Automaticly returns to previous mode and power setting when turned off.
A simple SPST can be mounted almost anywhere. I mounted mine on a small "L" beacket held down by top cover screw. a single 10 to 20 K ohm 1/4 watt resistor can be used. Just mount the switch connect the wire per diagram. Enable rig for AH-4 tuner. (?) (you may need to experment with this setting.)
10k-20k ohm between pin 2 and 3, switch wired to pin 1 and 4.
switch on = 10W CW CXR
switch off= previous mode/power
