- Remove three diodes circled. Two have two leads the other has three leads.

- After removing the diodes it will look like this.

- Reset the radio.
After resetting the coverage and power output will more of less be as follows:
45.300 mhz 3.8 watts
75.100 mhz 1.5 watts Power output as specified in the ham band.
89.000 mhz Output tapers down until pll unlocks.
90.700 mhz Pll locks very low output.
92.500 mhz 0.8 watts
110.000 mhz 0.8 watts
117.800 mhz 1.0 watts
179.900 mhz 2.0 watts Power output as specified in the ham band.
238.000 mhz Output tapers down until pll unlocks. Output in the 220 band is very low.
300.000 mhz 0.5 watts
540.000 mhz 0.5 watts Power output as specified in the ham band.
580.000 mhz Output tapers down until pll unlocks.
Mod does not open the blocked cell area.
The above was verified on a Cushman CE50 service monitor. Even though the power output is low out of band, and near the edges of the pll lock range the frequency accuracy suffers, it is still useful for testing purposes. Transmit is FM only.