Connection of the KENWOOD TS440S to a DATA terminal such as a Kantronics
KAM using the rear ACC2 13 pin jack.
____ 4 3 2 1
GROUND ___ |
|____ 8 7 6 5
|___ 12 11 10 9____________
/ |
MIC ____________/ 13 |
| |
| |
\_/ \_/
===== =====
| |
Pins | Application
3 Data output - not used as the level is very low
the prefered connection is via the speaker output
this also allows fine adjustment of level to
enable best decoding. (A switch on the speaker to
'mute' it when required is a good idea.)
4 Ground - you may have to experiment with these
8 connections to eliminate RF feedback and noise.
12 Here they are all strapped.
9 Mic mute - prevents audio pickup from the mic when
earthed. By connecting to the PTT line as shown
through a diode automatically MUTES the mic when
using data. When the front panel PTT or MIC PTT
are used the microphone is 'live'.
13 Standby - PTT which when taken to ground puts the set
'on air'. By connecting through a diode as shown
doesn't affect the PTT operation but allows auto
mic muting.
The diodes used can be virtually anything, here they are IN4148.
The INPUT audio to pin 11 must be quite a high level. If using a KAM you are
certainly going to have to change the HF LEVEL JUMPER in the KAM. The level
of the KAM as shipped suites connection to the FRONT PANEL MIC but not the
rear connector, you can however correct this with the jumper. People using
the PK232 have complained of NO TX AUDIO, I suspect the level is so low that
only local minitoring will show a level present.