Look at the signal board and locate C500. C500 is an electrolytic
4.7uF located near the center of the board (if viewed with the radio
upside down with the front facing you) near connector 30.
Remove this capacitor by carefully twisting it with a pair of needle
nosed pliers. This capacitor cannot be easily removed any other
way without completely disassembling the radio. The function of
this capacitor was to de-bounce the PTT switch and is a big reason
why the TS-930 will not work satisfactorily in AMTOR mode.
Next, locate R476 wich is on the same board as above and is positioned
just above the large CW filter. The lead that is exposed needs to be
grounded. An easy way to do this is to locate R474 which is right
next to R476 and scrape away some of the insulation from both of the
exposed leads, then solder a bridge between them.